> Non-stop trouble free plowing opportunity for stony, rooted and first time plowed lands.
> The two helical springs lets the swing out bodies re-enter the soil immediately.
> The spring pressures can be easily adjusted for each body to different soil conditions in order to obtain optimum release characteristics.
> Flanged frame to add an extension, if required.
> Mechanical or Hydroulic working width adjustment (Optional).
> Trash boards.
> Shares with Reversible Points.
> Slatted Body.
> Wing Coulter.
> Metal Depth Wheel
> Bar Point Body.
> F, X and V Type Mouldboard
MODEL OPB 123 OPB 143 OPB 124 OPB 144 OPB 125 OPB 145 Number of Furrows (pieces) 3 3 4 4 5 5 Clearence (cm) 75 75 75 75 75 75 Distance Between Beams (cm) 75 80 75 80 75 80 Working Width (cm) 25-30-35 30-35-40 25-30-35 30-35-40 25-30-35 30-35-40 Working Depth (cm) 26 28 26 28 26 28 Weight (kg) 670 680 832 851 1005 1014 Power Requirement (HP) 50-60 60-70 70-90 80-100 90-110 100-120
Upon the needs of customers we keep the right to make changes on the product specifications.